Timor-Leste - Economy
How is the economy of Timor-Leste? Based on the information we have, Timor-Leste has a lower middle-income Southeast Asian economy; government expenditures funded via oil fund drawdowns; endemic corruption undermines growth; foreign aid-dependent; wide-scale poverty, unemployment, and illiteracy. Key agricultural products in this country include: maize, rice, coconuts, root vegetables, vegetables, cassava, other meats, coffee, beans, pork (2022).
More about the economy of Timor-Leste
Labor force 597,000 (2023 est.)
Industrial production growth rate -46.25% (2022 est.)
Industries printing, soap manufacturing, handicrafts, woven cloth
Population below poverty line 41.8% (2014 est.)
Taxes and other revenues 21.67% (of GDP) (2022 est.)
Fiscal year
Exchange rates
Debt - external
Debt - external 31 December 2014 $311.5 million (31 December 2014 est.)
Debt - external 31 December 2013 $687 million (31 December 2013 est.)
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold 2023 $781.995 million (2023 est.)
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold 2022 $830.81 million (2022 est.)
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold 2021 $934.781 million (2021 est.)
Current account balance
Current account balance 2023 -$227.62 million (2023 est.)
Current account balance 2022 $256.151 million (2022 est.)
Current account balance 2021 $1.328 billion (2021 est.)
Public debt
Public debt 2017 3.8% of GDP (2017 est.)
Revenues $879 million (2019 est.)
Expenditures $1.396 billion (2019 est.)
Budget surplus (+) or deficit (-)
Remittances 2023 10.88% of GDP (2023 est.)
Remittances 2022 5.8% of GDP (2022 est.)
Remittances 2021 4.85% of GDP (2021 est.)
Household income
Lowest 10% 4% (2014 est.)
Highest 10% 24% (2014 est.)
Imports 2023 $1.179 billion (2023 est.)
Imports 2022 $1.405 billion (2022 est.)
Imports 2021 $1.298 billion (2021 est.)
Imports (partners) Indonesia 27%, China 23%, Singapore 9%, Australia 6%, Malaysia 6% (2022)
Comodities Imports force refined petroleum, rice, cars, coal, cranes (2022)
Imports 2023 $1.179 billion (2023 est.)
Imports 2022 $1.405 billion (2022 est.)
Imports 2021 $1.298 billion (2021 est.)
Exports (partners) China 25%, Indonesia 20%, Japan 14%, South Korea 13%, Thailand 7% (2022)
Comodities Exports force crude petroleum, coffee, natural gas, beer, construction vehicles (2022)
Real GDP (purchasing power parity)
Real GDP (purchasing power parity) 2023 $6.265 billion (2023 est.)
Real GDP (purchasing power parity) 2022 $7.316 billion (2022 est.)
Real GDP (purchasing power parity) 2021 $9.207 billion (2021 est.)
GDP (official exchange rate) $2.243 billion (2023 est.)
Real GDP Per capita
Real GDP per capita 2023 $4,600 (2023 est.)
Real GDP per capita 2022 $5,500 (2022 est.)
Real GDP per capita 2021 $7,000 (2021 est.)
GDP - composition, by sector of origin
Agriculture 9.1% (2017 est.)
Industry 56.7% (2017 est.)
Services 34.4% (2017 est.)
GDP - composition, by end use
Household consumption 33% (2017 est.)
Government consumption 30% (2017 est.)
Investment in fixed capital 10.6% (2017 est.)
Investment in inventories 0% (2017 est.)
Exports of goods and services 78.4% (2017 est.)
Imports of goods and services -52% (2017 est.)
Unemployment rate
Unemployment rate 2023 1.52% (2023 est.)
Unemployment rate 2022 1.54% (2022 est.)
Unemployment rate 2021 2.34% (2021 est.)
Youth unemployment rate (ages 15-24)
Total 3.2% (2023 est.)
Male 3.1% (2023 est.)
Female 3.2% (2023 est.)
All Important Facts about Timor-Leste

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Timor-Leste is found in South-Eastern Asia